Our White label partners

Powered by EG EnerKey

We offer sustainability and energy management services to our corporate customers Powered by EG Enerkey

See our Partner references

The goal is to be carbon-neutral by the year 2035

The goal for Oulun Energia is to be carbon-neutral in terms of its own energy production by the year 2035.

Among the first Finnish energy companies, Oulun Energia has taken determined steps towards carbon neutrality for years now. 

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Effective tools for sustainability and energy management

Lumme Energia and EG EnerKey enter into cooperation.

Energy management costs are one of the most significant cost items for a company but energy management can often feel hard to control.

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Customer & Partner references

See references from our customers and partners in different sectors: 

Contact us

Would you like to find out more about our products and services? Contact our team of experts, and tell us about your business needs and how we can help you.

VP Sales

Jaakko Huhta

Email:  jahuh@eg.fi

Senior Sales Executive

Juha Liikanen

Email:  julii@eg.fi