EG acquires Sigma Estimates A/S
EG acquires the software company Sigma Estimates A/S as part of a strategy to strengthen software solutions for the Scandinavian construction market.
Sigma Estimates A/S is EG's third acquisition of construction software companies in the last 12 months. The acquisition is part of EG's strategic efforts to digitize the construction market in Scandinavia.
- We want to ensure that EG's construction customers have a fully integrated application across all aspects of the construction process - from cost estimation through project and quality management all the way to the invoice. The competent employees at Sigma Estimates can help make this happen, says Mikkel Bardram, CEO at EG and continues:
- Sigma Estimates provides a unique intuitive cost estimation platform based on deep sector knowledge, which fits well into the EG portfolio and I am pleased to welcome our new highly specialized colleagues.
EG has been a supplier to the construction industry in Denmark for the last 10 years and acquired the software companies CalWin in 2019 and Norwegian Holte in 2020. The acquisition of Sigma Estimates reinforces EG's position as a provider of innovative estimation and management tools for data flows in the Scandinavian construction industry, especially in Norway and Denmark. EG now has more than 12,000 customers within the construction market and almost 200 employees dedicated to the construction industry across Denmark and Norway.
- We share the same view on the need for consolidation and integration when it comes to software for the construction industry. EG is the right owner with the strength and volume to further develop Sigma's potential in Scandinavia, says Peter Sørensen, CEO, Sigma Estimates.
- By combining our skills and solutions, we can deliver the most user-friendly and future-proof project, cost estimation and workflow software for the construction industry, says Aleksander Bjaaland, VP, EG Construction and adds:
- Sigma is a great fit with both EG's product portfolio and customer segments. EG already offers the cost estimation programs EG Visual Calculation, Dynamic, Corbis, Quinty, JobOffice and SmartKalk for the construction, plumbing and electrical industries.
Sigma Estimates has +800 customers and +10,000 users internationally. The core product is Sigma, a strong cost estimation platform in the Danish construction industry. The product enables project estimation, bidding and pre-calculation with 5D BIM/VDC technology, used by craftsmen, contractors, architects and engineers.
- Cost estimation will be even more important in the future in the construction industry and Sigma's strong focus on integrations and open APIs is a perfect match to how EG thinks about the future. We look forward to creating a much more digitalised construction process together with customers and other industry stakeholders, says Aleksander Bjaaland, VP, EG.
EG acquired Sigma Estimates A/S on 1 October 2020. The parties to the sale have agreed not to disclose further details concerning the sale price and other terms of the transaction.
About EG A/S
EG is a Scandinavian software company with more than 1,300 employees working from more than 20 offices in Scandinavia and Poland. We develop, deliver and service our own software for more than 20,000 private and public customers. Read more about EG at: https://global.eg.dk/
About Sigma Estimates A/S
Sigma Estimates provides cost estimation solutions with 5D BIM, used by craftsmen, contractors, design build, architects and engineers. Sigma Estimates was founded in 2003 and has its head office in Høje Taastrup, Denmark. To find out more, visit https://sigmaestimates.com/
For further information, please contact:
Regarding EG A/S: Mikkel Bardram, CEO, EG A/S, phone +45 2922 6548 / mibar@eg.dk
VP Aleksander Bjaaland, EG Construction, phone +47 9344 1528 / abjaa@eg.no
Regarding Sigma Estimates A/S: CEO Peter Sørensen, phone +45 2099 7898 / pso@sigmaestimates.com