Our future lies in carbon neutrality
Written by Taimi Rovanen, Key Account Manager
The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) largest-ever public opinion poll on 1.2 million people on climate change provides a comprehensive picture of how people think about climate change and climate action. The results of the study are guaranteed to support future policy decisions as countries around the world are currently developing new national climate promises under the Paris Agreement.
Young people (under 18) and young adults (18-35 years old) saw climate change as a greater emergency than the adult population, indicating that there is no longer a return to reckless waste.
It is naive to think we are living in a bubble imaging that the environmental emergency does not require acute action from companies. About 90% of respondents of the UNDP survey were concerned about the future of the environment and whether there will be enough clean water and food for our grandchildren.
Nearly 70% of respondents believed that their own choices could make a difference and were prepared to boycott companies and brands that cause global warming, either directly or indirectly. It can already be seen how the environmental values guide consumers, investors, and companies to look more and more critically and broadly at the sustainability of supply chains, environmental actions, and the use of natural resources from the delivery of the material.
Careless energy consumption has been one of the biggest causes for emission and there is a desire to reduce the environmental burden caused by wasteful energy use. The growing popularity of decentralized renewable energy systems is destabilizing the market situation and increasing the need for demand elasticity and energy storage. At the same time, companies are competing in a growing global network of growth, profitability, and corporate reputation.
As a result, the time horizon of energy management has changed, and long-term planning has shifted to near real-time response. This requires automated data that is combined, processed, and enriched using artificial intelligence. Innovative organizations that use data and artificial intelligence develop and respond quickly and succeed in monetizing their raw data. The analysed data is used to identify problems and bottlenecks in internal processes, to improve business efficiency and profitability, and to minimize risks. In this way, information stays centralized in the right locations and cannot “evaporate” into the data jungle.
Ines is EnerKey’s artificial intelligence feature and has been developed for the purpose of automating the analysis work. This is meant for companies or organisations who want to act resource-wisely and reduce the environmental impact of their business.
Ines collects data from various sources and utilizes consumption, operating time, and weather data to find savings potential and therefore reduces the burden on the environment. Simultaneously, Ines improves the efficient and effective use of human resources, whilst finding saving potentials that are easily being overlooked. Ines presents ready-made proposals for measures that will allow time to react to problems and focus the company’s or organisation’s core business.
For a more resource efficient future – #allweneedisless so that our grandchildren also have a future and the opportunity for clean air, water, and food. An inspirational quote from a lecturer, I heard at the webinar during the spring: “Carbon-neutral business is the future”.
– This is the time for sustainable capitalism.