EnerKey is now EG EnerKey
As a part of EG A/S, we are proud to announce that EnerKey is now EG EnerKey. We still stand behind our values and our mission to help our customers and partners to help turn their resource data into sustainable impact.
We want to help everyone act resource-wisely and reduce their environmental impact so that we can together tackle the climate change. By working together we can achieve less waste, less emissions, less energy consumption and more impact. All we need is less.
In addition, as a part of EG A/S, together with all EG´s vertical software solutions we deliver vertical software that enables our customers to move their businesses further.
Let´s go further.
About EG EnerKey
EG EnerKey Sustainability & Energy Management System (SEMS) is one of the leading cloud-native SaaS solutions in the Nordic countries, for enterprises to manage resource data, energy consumption and sustainability. It holds ISO 50001 and ISO 14001 certification. The sustainability features include emissions reporting, waste reporting, traffic fuel monitoring and indoor air quality.
EG EnerKey SEMS is used by more than 1,500 customers. EnerKey manages resource data generated by more than 140,000 measurement points across 20,000 properties. Powered by EG EnerKey is a white label platform solution for energy companies, utilities, and SaaS providers, who want to offer EnerKey´s market-leading tools to their end-customers, branded with their own logo and visual appearance. Find out more at https://global.eg.dk/it/eg-enerkey/.
About EG
EG is a market leading vendor of industry-specific, standard software for private and public customers in the Nordics. EG’s Software-as-a-Service offerings are developed by specialists with deep industry and domain knowledge, supporting business-critical and administrative processes. EG employs 1,500+ people primarily in the Nordics and in 2020, Group revenue was DKK 1.4 billion. Find out more at global.eg.dk/about-eg/.