CheckWare is a Norwegian Gazelle for the third consecutive year
Recently acquired by EG, the healthtech company has been recognized as a Gazelle company in Norway by the newspaper Dagens Næringsliv for three consecutive years.
"Right now, positive things are happening almost every day," says Heidi Blengsli Aabel, the CEO of CheckWare. "We have become a Gazelle for the third year in a row; we are approaching a new revenue record in 2023, and we are very pleased to be acquired by EG, which has significant international ambitions for CheckWare."
The company's software platform, CheckWare, enables patients to actively participate in their own treatment and follow-up through digital clinical mappings, digital home monitoring of patients, and web-based treatment programs.
Continued growth
In 2022, CheckWare reached nearly NOK 60 million in revenue. The operating profit was 8.7 million, equivalent to an operating margin of 14.5%. The growth continues in 2023.
Even as the company takes a significant step with EG to become a major international player in the healthcare sector, the operational recipe remains unchanged. "The most important thing is to be a reliable partner for all our customers, and our three equal goals remain satisfied colleagues, satisfied customers, and profitable growth," says Aabel.
Only two percent become Gazelles
"Profitable growth is not guaranteed, and it is a great achievement to build a company that makes money. That is precisely what we want to celebrate when selecting this year's Gazelles," writes Dagens Næringsliv in connection with the Gazelle awards. Only two percent of Norwegian companies with real revenue qualify to become Gazelles, as the criteria are strict.
Dagens Næringsliv has been awarding the country's most successful companies through "Årets Gazelle-virksomhed" since 2003.
The criteria for the award include revenue growth in the last four years, more than doubling of revenue in the same period, and an annual positive operating result in the same period.
"It is important to receive recognition for the work we have done with our customers for many years to create sustainable digital healthcare services. Dagens Næringsliv's award is a visible documentation that we have also created a sustainable business," says Heidi Blengsli Aabel, CEO of CheckWare.
EG acquired CheckWare in early November to strengthen the healthcare system's work in treating both mental and physical disorders in the Nordic region.
Read more about the acquisition