03. April 2024
EG Sverige AB controls 97.81 per cent of all outstanding shares in Mestro AB and extends the acceptance period
EG A/S, CVR no. 40 40 60 93, through its indirectly wholly owned subsidiary EG Sverige AB, reg. no 556164-5648 (the "Bidder") announced on 9 February 2024 a recommended public offer (the "Offer") to the shareholders of Mestro AB (publ), reg. no 556679-4649 ("Mestro") to tender all shares in Mestro. The Bidder has by agreements acquired a total of 5,416,374 shares in Mestro, corresponding to approximately 53 per cent of all shares and votes in Mestro (the "Side Transactions"). At the end of the extended acceptance period that expired on 3 April 2024, the Offer had been accepted by shareholders of 4,580,730 shares in Mestro which together with the shares in Mestro that the Bidder has acquired through the Side Transactions, represent approximately 97.81 per cent of all outstanding shares and votes in Mestro. The Bidder has resolved to initiate a compulsory buy-out procedure to acquire the remaining shares in Mestro and to extend the acceptance period in the Offer up to and including 17 April 2024 to enable more voluntary acceptances to be submitted in the Offer.