Meet EG at BIM World: AI has the power to transform the construction industry
Join Magnus Therkildsen at BIM World, as he shares insights from EG, a leading Nordic software company to explore and understand the many opportunities available for your projects and business in the construction industry.
"What makes AI stand out from other technologies?", asks Magnus Therkildsen, Senior Manager and software developer at EG Construction.
The construction industry is evolving rapidly, driven by global climate challenges that are being enforced through new regulations. These changes also prevent new opportunities, and companies that understand how to leverage tech and AI throughout their business can gain significant competitive advantages.
AI is more than just another technology
Join Magnus Therkildsen at the international BIM World Copenhagen 2024 trade fair on September 18-19:
"New technology is one of the most powerful drivers of change in modern businesses - there's no doubt about that. But what’s truly behind these changes, and why does artificial intelligence stand out as something unique? AI is not merely 'another technology'; it's a revolution that demands new rules and regulations.
But why?
AI is creating value
Find the answers in Magnus Therkildsen's presentation, 'Gaining Business Advantage through New Tech and AI.' It will explore how a major software company integrates artificial intelligence and technological innovation. We’ll delve into the many facets and perspectives - from internal processes to real-world examples of how AI is already creating value, both within the organization and in our software solutions.
Digitalization and behavioural change are crucial for making the industry more sustainable. This is the main theme of BIM World Copenhagen, taking place on September 18-19, 2024, at K.B. Hallen, an arena located at Peter Bangs Vej in the Frederiksberg district of Copenhagen, Denmark.