Sustainability reporting made easy with EG EnerKey

We support your entire sustainability reporting journey.

Read about how you can build awareness by collecting data from multiple sources, understand more by analysing data, and take action using suggestions from our EG Ines AI. EG EnerKey has complete climate reporting in compliance with GHG protocol calculations and relevant GRI standards, GRI 301-305.

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Climate reporting Whitepaper

Comply with GRI standards

With EG EnerKey we ensure that your reporting is compliant with the GHG protocol calculations and relevant GRI standards, GRI 301-305.enerkey-gri-susreport.jpg

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Would you like to find out more about our products and services? Contact our team of experts, and tell us about your business needs and how we can help you.

VP Sales

Jaakko Huhta


Senior Sales Executive

Juha Liikanen
