EG Enerkey SaaS Enterprise Customer References.
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At K Group, sustainability is part of daily operations with measured results
Responsible business practices are an integral part of the company's core operations, and a strong commitment to sustainable development is one of its success factors.
K Group has been the only company in the world to be on Corporate Knight's Global 100 list measuring corporate responsibility since its establishment in 2005. In the 2023 listing, K Group holds the top position in Europe and is ranked second globally in the grocery retail sector.
In energy management, professional and ambitious practices are visibly evident. Kesko utilizes the ETJ+ energy management system, with EG EnerKey at its core. This system allows for a detailed analysis and monitoring of energy consumption and emissions. Kesko leverages Ines analyses and tracks both completed and upcoming energy efficiency measures through EG EnerKey. Information on energy consumption-related projects is updated in EG EnerKey through integration, providing a real-time view of the energy savings effects of both past and future initiatives.
For the years 2018–2023, Kesko has set its own ambitious energy savings target, aiming for a 10% reduction in energy consumption. The results have met the target, and by the end of 2023, the goal will be achieved. The current Energy Efficiency Agreement for 2017–2025 exceeded its savings targets well ahead of schedule. These outcomes signify a significant reduction in emissions and annual energy savings in the millions of euros.
Overall, Kesko has demonstrated that responsible business practices are integral to the company's core operations, and a strong commitment to sustainable development is one of its success factors. Ambitious goals, skilled individuals, and partners combined with the best tools continue to enable results that serve as an example for others.
The conglomerate, Wihuri wants to promote energy efficiency
EG EnerKey helps Wihuri to rationalize their energy use, particularly in places where electricity is used a lot. According to Wihuri Group’s real estate manager Timo Numminen, the company’s total energy consumption in Finland is 90 GWh. Electricity use forms the majority of the consumption at 72 percent.
The company operates in dozens of locations in Finland, in four domains. These are a technical trade, the packaging industry, aeronautics and the grocery trade.
Wihuri has joined the voluntary energy efficiency agreement of large enterprises, which are central to the implementation of the EPBD obligations of the EU in Finland. The New energy efficiency agreement period covers the years 2017-2025.
“Wihuri can significantly increase its energy efficiency. The official intermediate target for 2020 is 4%, which we can easily achieve. Our own goal is tougher. The packaging industry also has the greatest potential for electricity savings. Production generates a lot of heat, the recovery of which can be further enhanced.
We also recover heat in Metro wholesales, where heat is produced especially by large cold storages. The packaging industry employs its own maintenance staff, who handle energy issues related to the property in an exemplary manner. However, the external Energy Manager always brings new knowledge and expertise. In energy management and reporting services, we take advantage of EG EnerKey, on which the Energy Manager solution relies well with its existing input data.
My experiences with EG EnerKey’s previous services have been positive. The Energy Manager cooperation has also been successful as expected,” sums up Timo Numminen, Wihuri Group’s Property Manager.

Osuuskauppa Arina operates purposefully, develops its operating models, and considers sustainability and environmental issues at the same time
suuskauppa Arina joined in EG EnerKey’s services in 2016 as the S-ryhmä’s leading force, with the rest of the group following two years later. Arina has an energy management set at its disposal. This includes in addition to energy reporting and energy management tools, energy bill management, cost reporting and tenant billing.
“The processing of energy bills and tenant billing was natural choice to focus on EG EnerKey, which has energy data management and further processing at its core. Ready-made, automated processes built on energy information have not only unified the operating model related to energy bills but have created significant efficiencies in our internal working.
Energy bill processing and tenant billing are done smoothly and on schedule – and most importantly: we can focus on our core business,” tells Asko Lehto, Property Manager.
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Jaakko Huhta

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Juha Liikanen